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Agfa Introduces AdsML Implementations

Agfa Introduces :Arkitex AdCenter and AdControl for Newspaper Display Ad Management, Two New Modules Vastly Improve and Streamline the Display Ad Process from Front End to Back

Chicago, Ill (NEXPO, booth #1014) – April 1, 2006 – Agfa Graphics announced today the launch of AdCenter and AdControl, two new modules for the :Arkitex workflow system, specifically designed for newspaper display advertisement production.

The enterprise level, web-enabled :Arkitex AdCenter and AdControl modules form a single control, workflow, tracking, management and reporting infra-structure for all newspaper display ads. AdCenter provides precise tracking and efficient management of in-house print and web ads, while AdControl automates receiving and matching of digital ads with newspaper production ad bookings.

:Arkitex AdCenter and AdControl comprise one of the first new ad display systems to fully support the AdsML international standard for data exchange that has been supported by newspaper organizations such as NAA and IFRA. AdsML helps streamline processes, increase automation, and reduce errors.

“These new modules provide all the necessary tools for the in-house and digital display advertising process, seamlessly integrating with existing newspaper ad systems and third-party applications,” said Sheila Nysko, Agfa’s business development manager, Newspaper Systems, North America. “It’s a total systems solution. All tasks — from receiving ad bookings, ad building and pre-flighting, to file format conversions and communication with the client — are automated and monitored, streamlining the overall production. These are the kinds of workflow benefits newspapers look for and turn to Agfa to provide.”
AdCenter and AdControl are flexible modules that allow users to customize solutions to meet individual display ad requirements. Production operators can get a snapshot view of their current state of production, details on individual ads, and operational reports. The system can generate business analytical reports and investigate throughput and performance data. These reports can also be customized by the customer. The system also reduces duplicate supplier calls, and tightens deadlines for receiving and automating digital ads into the production workflow.

About Agfa.

The Agfa-Gevaert Group is one of the world’s leading imaging and information technology companies. Agfa develops, manufactures and markets analog and digital systems for the graphics industry, the healthcare sector and specific industrial applications.

Agfa’s headquarters are in Mortsel, Belgium. The company is active in 40 countries and has agents in another 100 countries throughout the world. The Agfa-Gevaert Group achieved a turnover of 3,762 million euro in 2004.

About Agfa Graphics.

Agfa Graphics offers integrated prepress solutions to the printing industry. These solutions comprise consumables, hardware, software and services for production workflow, project and color management. Computer-to-film, computer-to-plate and digital proofing systems have earned Agfa Graphics a worldwide leadership position in the commercial and package printing and the newspaper publishing markets.

Agfa Graphics is rapidly expanding its offerings in the growing digital inkjet market. Its experience in both imaging and emulsion technology has provided the expertise required for making an assortment of high-quality UV and solvent-based inks. Joint development and manufacturing partnerships with industry leaders expand its technological reach and allow the company to develop comprehensive digital solutions for printing posters, banners, signage, displays, labels and packaging materials. Product and company information can be found on Agfa’s home page on the World Wide Web at www.agfa.com.

Editor contact:
Marc Verbiest
PR Manager
Agfa Graphics
+32-3-444 4101

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